
Quarterly Gantt Project Planner - Letter Sized Printable

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Quarterly Gantt Project Planner - Letter Sized Printable


Did you think Gantt charts only worked for digital planners? Paper planners, rejoice! You can use this powerful project planning tool, too!

Read on or check out my blog post with more how-to details here.

The perfect companion to your daily/weekly planner! Keep all of your projects organized and see how they stack up on a Gantt chart in order to plan your time effectively. If you're always putting too many projects on your plate, this will help you visualize your time and avoid overwhelm.

Download includes 3 PDF files, two with monthly calendars and one without. Can be printed or used on any PDF compatible device.

The Quarterly Project Planner includes 30 pages (24 for the no calendar version) of project planning and organization.

Title Page

Left mostly blank. You can decorate it, fill it with a vision board for the upcoming quarter, or just leave it blank.

Year at a glance (pgs 2-3)

This is a Gantt-style 2-page spread where you can get a bird's eye view of your project across a full year. Use color-coded highlighters or washi tape to see how much your projects are overlapping and get an idea of how long you're really spending on each project.

Goal & Project Overview (pg 4)

List out your goals and which projects are going to support those goals (don't worry, we'll get into the nitty gritty of planning your projects later!)

Quarterly Gantt (pg 5)

This Gantt chart zooms one level closer than the year-at-a-glance to view the quarter. Weeks are laid out along the side with six blank columns. You can use these columns to represent goals or major projects. I like to use the last column for events, travel plans, and holidays so I know when I'm not going to be available to work on my projects.

Monthly Calendars (pgs 6-11)

Three undated monthly calendars for you to track events and due dates. Great for content/social media planning! Monday Start or Sunday Start available. These pages are not included in the No Calendar file, so if you have another planner you use for monthly planning, you do not need these pages.

Monthly Gantt Charts (pgs 12-23)

Each Gantt chart is spread over two pages and represents one month. There two different Gantt spreads--one with two bigger projects and one with two medium and two small projects. I tend to use one of each type of page per month. For your longer, more involved projects with lots of tasks, use the bigger Gantt chart. A symbol key is provided at the top. Use highlighters or washi tape to show the duration of a task or event. This is a great planning tool for people who tend to put too much on their plate. Now you have a visual representation of how your time will be spent over the next month. If you see too many tasks are all stacking up on top of each other, it's time to re-plan or delegate!

Project Planners (pgs 24-27)

Four types of project planning layouts are included

  • Basic layout - Task list with dotted notes section
  • Repetitive task layout - for projects with lots of tasks that each have the same set of steps to complete. For example, if the project is my blog, each task may be a blog post, which I have to write, edit, layout, publish, and share. Instead of writing out a new task for each of those steps, I put the steps in the vertical columns and the names of my blog posts on each line, then check off the boxes as I complete steps. This layout is also useful for tasks that you repeat several times. You could write the days of the week along the top and use it as a habit tracker!
  • Date-focused layout - for projects with lots of due dates
  • Two column layout - for projects with lots and lots of little tasks!

Each layout has space at the top to describe your project and its objective (ideal outcome) as well as important dates and space for a list of resources you'll need to get started. At the bottom of each layout is space to record your milestones. This can be used to track monthly progress, completion of phases of the project, or celebrate wins of any size.

I recommend printing multiple with the layout that's most suitable for your project. For extra big projects, I print a notes page on the other side of the spread for more tasks or planning space.

PS. If you're looking for the Project Planner templates without all the Gantt pages, I've got you covered!

Project Planner Templates

Notes & Brainstorming (pgs 28-30)

Blank lined pages for you to plan your planning. Lines are light gray, spaced 0.25" apart.

For more information about this template, lots more photos, and my personal workflow while using it, click here to view my blog post about it!

Gantt Project Planning

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3 PDF files with project planner pages

Page Size
US Letter (8.5x11")
These files can be printed or used with any PDF compatible device that supports a stylus for writing such as an ipad, remarkable, or supernote. If you print your planner pages, they can be disc or hole punched and are compatible with 11 disc systems such as Big Happy Planners. The files are designed to be printed double sided. Margins are 0.2" on top, bottom, and outside. The inner margin is 0.4".
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